Hello Divine Sparks, how life has been treating you?
In Brazil, my country of origin, they celebrate on October 12, Children’s Day; and on this date, this year, I began to write this letter to my younger version. I can say that I stopped a few times, because I was very moved, it was like a powerful catharsis. I hope you can reflect on what I had to say to this little shy, 5 years old girl that you can see on the picture above. Enjoy!
Dear young Jacky,
If I could go back in time just to give you some advice, and also to the youth of this planet, one of the most significant would be:
“Do not skip the stages of your life, do not wish to grow before your time, and do not let fear held you to live intensely the present moment, because you will miss of it”.
All stages of your life are the resources needed to define a life in a solid, safe and successful way. Each phase will be preparing you to overcome the obstacles you will face in order to grow, and succeed in anything you will venture. If you skip a step of life’s ladder, life itself will charge you with the knowledge you have failed to acquire, and in the most inconvenient time. Above all, fight against procrastination, it will be one of your own worst enemy.
Dear one, it will be essential to live each moment with intensity, and each phase with commitment and gratitude, specially when it gets challenging. Get prepared, because the ride will get very bumpy. This is when your resilience, your will power and emotional maturity will be in its process of been built, shaped or reshaped.
All experiences and the environment you will choose to position yourself, will be programming your mind, and building your character. Consequently creating a set of paradigms that will dictate your future actions and reactions. If well guided, your mindset will hold the opening keys to any door of opportunities, and attract the necessary tools which will help you to achieve your future goals.
Learn and getting an education, it is as important as having a job to survive. However, no matter how educated, knowledgeable and intelligent you may be, if you are not equally and emotionally intelligent, your structured paradigms, will dismantle all your efforts. So, bless each stage of your life with your full presence, and do not let anything divert your attention from what really matters in the now. I can affirm to you, the worst thing in life will be finding yourself facing a situation where you will regret something you have failed to do, or something you have done through a mindset full of loopholes. The results will be always predictable.
Remember this, girl – Our mind, our way of seeing the events of our lives, can push us to make decisions that will attract misfortunes, or abundances of all nature. Believe in yourself, no matter the circumstances. This is one of my advices to you, to the gorgeous son that God will bless you with in the future, to your nephews, to all the youth of the world, and to every misunderstood child that still exists within each one of us! Mastering this, is to master the secret of life!
Enjoy the ride, leave a trail of light wherever you go, and only look back to evaluate how much you have grown. I can say to you now, it won’t be easy at all, but keep going, don’t get despondent. Faith will give you energy to continue, and resilience will become your second name.
Well done, little one…you will conquer your own self!
Have a great week everyone…Love & peace for all.
Jacqueline Sewell
I was born in Brazil and am an Australian citizen. I work as a finance manager, but my passion is writing, including maintaining this site and my main blog, “Inspire Soul Reflections” and other social media channels (instagram) where I like to spread inspirational and motivational text and quotes. My objective is that my words provoke reflections, awakening the souls of those who read them.
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